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    Easy Green Powder Smoothie with Enerfood

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    Easy Green Powder Smoothie with Enerfood - EnerHealth Botanicals

    Let’s face it, when simply making breakfast and getting out the door on time every morning feels challenging, trying to make a nutrient dense, energy optimizing breakfast can seem nearly impossible. Life can be demanding, and that’s why this simple and speedy five ingredient smoothie is the perfect breakfast boost to leave you feeling energized and ready to take on the day.

    This green powder smoothie features our product: Enerfood Powdered Drink Mix. Enerfood's blend of nutrient-dense ingredients helps support the body's ability to cleanse toxins, provides natural energy, and keeps you performing at an optimal level all day long.

    Enerfood Powder

    What is in Our Greens Powder?

    This superfood powder is made of over 20 nutrient dense ingredients designed to give you immediate energy and all the greens you need to tackle the day.

    It is made with blends of fruits and veggies like spinach, orange peel, beet root, and white asparagus root as well as high iron algae’s such as Spirulina and Chlorella and chlorophyll-rich grasses including Kelp, Wheat Grass, and Barley Grass. It also contains nutritional yeast, which is a great source of high-quality plant-based protein.

     Check out the full ingredient list here


    Enerfood Smoothie Recipe:

    Prep: 5 minutes

    Total Time: 5 minutes

    Servings: 1 serving



    1 Cup water

    1 scoop Enerfood Powder

    Fruit of choice- Strawberries, banana, blueberries

    1 scoop of ice

    1-2 Tb Coconut Milk Powder for sweetness (optional)



    1. Add all the ingredients into a blender.
    2. Blend on high power for 1 minute or until desired smoothness
    3. Sip! Adjust to taste if needed and enjoy!


    Recipe FAQ’s:

    To make it a little sweeter: Make the smoothie sweeter by replacing the 1 cup of water with 1 cup of apple juice or even ½ cup water and ½ cup apple juice. 

    To pack on the protein: Replace the 1 cup of water with 1 cup of milk or Coconut Milk Powder. Add 1 scoop of protein powder. 

    To make it thicker/ thinner: Use more ice to make it thicker and add more water to make it thinner. You can also add pieces of fresh fruit in the smoothie after it is blended for a thicker consistency. 

    To make it creamier: Try adding ¼ of an avocado to give your smoothie that creamy texture, plus the added benefits of the high amounts of monosaturated fats and fibers in avocado are a perfect addition to this guilt free smoothie.

    Frozen or not frozen fruit: According to the Cleveland Clinic, “The sooner you eat produce after it’s harvested, the better its nutrient profile.” However, frozen fruit may sometimes contain higher amounts of vitamins and minerals as it was frozen at its peak ripeness. Overall, there is not one option better than the other, so it comes down to price, availability, and personal preference!


    Share your creations of this recipe and any other recipes you may have created using our Enerfood! Tag us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals or email us your photo and/ or recipe to info@enerhealthbotanicals.com!