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    The Importance of Regular Cleansing

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    The Importance of Regular Cleansing - EnerHealth Botanicals

    Our bodies are designed to digest nutrients and then eliminate any toxins or waste in a relatively short period of time. Total body cleansers, colon health and immune health are inextricably linked. A good cleansing program restores colon functionality and helps your body digest food properly, eliminates toxins and helps maintain a healthier immune system.

    Indigestion Is An Industry

    Many people consider having one bowel movement every few days healthy. In reality, in a healthy individual one bowel movement for every major meal is normal. Couple this with the fact that many people simply don’t eat enough fibrous greens and whole grains and it is no wonder so many people suffer from a variety of digestive maladies. Then, to deal, people simply visit any pharmacy or pharmacy aisle in their local supermarket where they can find hundreds of toxic or unhealthy products devoted to relieving indigestion. Skip over a few aisles and you will find the fake, chemical-filled and clogging foods that caused the problem in the first place. Then the cycle of discomfort continues. 

    However, using a safe and gentle cleansing formula on a regular basis can help break the cycle, restore your digestive system and renew your energy. When starting a detox or cleanse, natural and gentle products should be encouraged. If you ever feel bloated, tired, and run down, you owe it to yourself to try a gentle, safe and healthy cleanse. A healthy digestive tract will make you feel more energetic at any age.

    To get there, here are some of our tips:

    1. Shop Intelligently and Read Before You Eat

    Learn to shop intelligently. From experience this means reading labels, avoiding processed foods whose ingredients are incomprehensible and eat more organic fruits and vegetables. This will help keep you cleaner inside but it does not mean you should bypass cleansing. In our toxin filled world, cleansing should be considered imperative rather than a choice.

    2. Cleanse Your Entire Body

    Perform a total body cleanse preferably once a season to help keep your body running smoothly. A good cleanse must incorporate several key elements in order to be effective. Among these it is very important to follow a healthy diet. When you choose to cleanse your body at home, you are in control of the products you consume, which with safe, natural ingredients means less discomfort and bloating.  Also, during the cleansing process you must consume at least a gallon of water per day, in addition to any other liquids. That might seem like a lot of water but it is essential.

    A green superfood formula (such as our Enerfood) is strongly advised if you decide to cleanse your body at home, since it provides cleansing and vital nutrients. In addition to an intestinal bulking and cleansing formula, it is highly recommended to consume an herbal formula to assure regular bowel motility.

    3. Cleanse your spirit

    Consider cleansing on more than just the physical level. Cleansing goes both ways. When we feel low and depressed, we tend to reach for unhealthy foods and beverages that cause us to retain more toxins. Similarly, poor food choices create conditions in our body that make us more likely to feel low and depressed. Try to treat good food and beverage choices a gift rather than a chore, and consider cleaning up your life on other levels. Set boundaries, clean the house, work on creating the life you want even in small baby steps. Combining these approaches will help you feel happier and healthier.

    4. Try Some Of Our Cleanse & Detox Herbals:

    Liver Cleanse

    Lymph Cleanse

    Intestinal Cleanse

    Kidney Flush

    Bladder Cleanse

    We hope this helps everyone find a way to cleanse and detox their body in a health way!